This site contains
some interesting Links on Human-Computer Interaction, Usability and User Experience
collected and periodically maintained by Patrick Steiger.
Table of Content
label indicates topics with recently added links.
Related Organisations
HCI Videos
- Open
Video Project
The Open Video
Project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides a digital
library of videos for the education and research communities. More than 2000
video files on a variety of topics are available in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,
and QuickTime formats.
Of particular interest to SIGCHI members are the CHI conference videos (currently
112 videos from as early as 1995) and the 2000-2003 videos from annual open
houses at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory,
University of Maryland (currently 52 videos). Additional CHI conference videos
will be added in the months ahead. The Project aims to develop and evaluate
the agile views interaction design framework with support from NSF.
The UI to the digital library incorporates user-selectable overview options
as well as storyboard, fast forward, and excerpt previews for many of the
videos to assist users in deciding whether to download specific files.
HCI Education
(Master of Advanced Studies in Human Computer Interaction Design, Uni Basel,
HSR und HGK, Schweiz)
- Stanford
HCI seminar are available for on-line streaming
- Paper and Pencil
- Balsamiq Wireframes: Low-fidelity wireframing software (Cloud-based or downloadable software)
- Figma: Browser-based interface design application

- Sketch: User interface design toolkit

- inVision: Digital product design platform, also supporting prototyping (out of the box or in combination with Sketch)
- UX Pin:
The Full-Stack UX Design Platform - Agile UX in one place: design systems, prototyping, and documentation together
- iRise:
Requirements Management and GUI simulation tool
- Axure:
Wireframes, Prototypes, Specifications
- Adobe XD: Wireframe, animate, prototype, collaborate
- Wondershare: All-in-one prototyping tool for web and mobile apps

Psychological Aspects (in German)
HCI Job Description (Examples)
Ergonomie und Usability (in German)
User Interfaces (ZUI)
- Zoomable
SiteMap (Pad++)
- Piccolo
2D: A Structured 2D Graphics Framework. Piccolo is the successor of Pad++. It is a Java-based toolkit
that supports the development of 2D structured graphics programs, in general,
and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs), in particular.
- Interaction
Design Patterns (Talk Christian Hübscher, SwissCHI, Feb. 2009)
- Pattern
Library for Interaction Design (Martijn van Welie)
Designing Accessible
Websites for Everybody
- Stiftung
"Zugang für Alle" (Schweiz)
- Color
Vision Simulator (Vischeck simulates colorblind vision)
- Implementing
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (for US Federal Agencies)
- Schweizer
Bei der Gestaltung der Website wurde besonders auf die Zugänglichkeit
für blinde und sehbehinderte Surfer geachtet. Diese finden dort Informationen
über die Angebote der Bibliothek in den Bereichen Hörbuch, Lesen,
Musiknoten und Spiele sowie verschiedene Links. Die Website wurde von einer
Projektgruppe der SBS selbst erstellt. "Wir haben uns an die WAI-Richtlinien
des World Wide Web Consortium für die Optimierung von Websites für
Benützer mit Behinderungen gehalten", erklärt Daniela Hirscher,
Mitglied der Projektgruppe. "Zudem haben wir unser Angebot von diversen
Testprogrammen und eigenen blinden Mitarbeitern testen lassen." Bei der
Gestaltung der Site habe man vor allem auf Frames, Tabellen und Bilder (ohne
erklärende Zusatzinformation) verzichtet. Blinde und Sehbehinderte können
die Site so auch mit Hilfe von Sprachumwandlungs-Software oder einem kleinen
Braille-Display benützen. Bei letzterem handelt es sich um eine Hardware-Komponente,
mit kleinen Stiften, die sich hoch und runter bewegen lassen und so den Inhalt
einer ganzen Zeile in Blindenschrift darstellen.
- Web
Accessibility Initiative of W3C
Design and Web Usability
Nielsen Norman Group Articles and Videos on Usability (Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman, Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini)
Web Credibility
- How
can you boost your web site's credibility?
10 Guidelines for Web Credibility (research by Stanford University).
- What
Variables Affect Web Credibility?
This is a PPT slide from BJ Fogg (
Moderne Zeiten
User Experience (UX)
provides information about user experience (UX). The information on that site
is collected from the UX community and is shared and maintained by volunteers.
Other Sites listing HCI Links
If you have suggestions
for updates and new links, please send an e-mail to Patrick
November 1, 2020 / Patrick